Bitcoin (BTC) is America Online (AOL). In 1992 AOL was new, exciting, and nobody had ever seen it before. It had first mover advantage, and it was the Stock Market’s darling. It was unfathomable that AOL could ever be dethroned. But AOL was an IntrAnet – a walled garden separate from the main IntErnet. AOL had so many built-in limitations, that once people realized all of its technological weaknesses, it lost market share, and the stock plummeted. By the early 2000’s almost no one used the platform. BTC is AOL. Same principles apply.
BitcoinSv (BSV) is the actual Internet. It does everything, and can easily scale to be able to power the financial and data storage transactions of the entire world. I know… you laugh. In 1999, I predicted that TV Shows would be streamed over the internet. Trust me… people laughed at me then also…. and who could blame them? The average speed of early DSL at the time was 1 Mb / second.
Ironically, 1 Mb is the size of a “Block” of data that Bitcoin-BTC creates every 10 minutes. Just as the Internet blew past the 1 Mb/Sec milestone, BitcoinSv-BSV has blown past BTC’s 1Mb Blocks, and BSV now routinely does 1 – 4 Gb sized blocks. BitcoinSv’s biggest problem is that its technology is advancing much faster than the user base. As word gets out to big Enterprise customers like IBM and others, that is changing, and use is growing.
BTC is AOL. It doesn’t have the technological capability to win in the long run. It can’t scale up to the size and speed that is needed to run EVERY financial transaction on Planet Earth all at the same time. Bitcoin Sv (BSV) can. With BSV, anyone can send 1 penny across the world, from Georgia to China, California or India, in about 1 second, and it will cost you $0.00 in fees. ZERO! Right now. Today. It can be done.
Sending that same penny on BTC will take minutes, and cost over a $1.00 in fees. BTC can’t do small transactions.
Average people with common sense can tell where this is going, and big business is already figuring it out. Don’t get caught up in the hype, or the higher Bitcoin-BTC price. Once upon a time AOL Stock was SOAAARING in price too!!! In the mid and late 1990’s it was all people on Wallstreet could talk about. But then Yahoo came. Google came. Amazon came. Facebook came. AOL faded.
So here is the question…. If you could go back to the late 90’s…. would you buy AOL stock? At the end of its amazing, but slowing run? Near the peak, but with the steep decline down the far side of the mountain ahead of it? Or would you buy Google, the up and coming darling, the eventual market winner, at the beginning of its run?
And that is the gist of the analogy that is before you. BTC at this moment is AOL near the peak of its performance. BSV at this same moment is like the first week of Google’s business startup. The thing that never changes about technology…. is that technology always changes. There is always something newer, better, faster that surpasses the previous.
BTC is AOL. BSV is the foreseeable future.
Do your due diligence.
If you already own BTC, you can trade it for BSV using our recommended wallet, https://www.RockWallet.com/. For setup instructions, and a list of U.S. States that Rockwallet operates in, please visit our Quick Start page.
If nothing else, some diversification is always wise. 10% of BTC –>> BSV ?? Don’t get caught holding a bunch of shares of “AOL”. Markets move fast.
* Nothing contained in this article is to be considered financial advice. Do your own due diligence.