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Supply, Demand, and BSV

Bitcoin SV has a FIXED supply of 21 Million Total BSV. The world population is over 8 Billion people as of 2023.  If Bitcoin SV was divided equally among all of the people of the world, everybody would receive 0.002625 Bitcoin SV.  It is rather mind boggling to think what the value of Bitcoin SV might be at that time.


As USAGE increases, the tighter the supply of BSV gets, and according to the laws of supply & demand… the value goes up.  This is different from the pump-n-dump speculative increases you see with other Cryptocurrencies – which have little actual USE Case, and are mostly just financial pyramid schemes.  Bitcoin BTC is the biggest Pump-n-Dump of them all.


This Supply-Demand narrative is what drove the price of Bitcoin BTC to $69,000 in 2022.  The PROBLEM with Bitcoin BTC is that people are starting to figure out that it is NOT functional (low transactions limit, almost no data capability, and no smart contract capability).  To USE it you have to develop 2nd layer solutions, and just like AOL in the 1990’s, that increasingly causes technology conflicts and excess friction, which is by definition…. NOT functional.


BSV is actually usable, and will most likely disrupt Paypal and Venmo.  It will almost definitely displace Bitcoin-BTC.  It is the only digital currency able to actually scale to the point that the entire planet could be using it..  Actual USE increases demand, and demand increases value.  That is how real investments, real currencies, real commodities, and real financial metrics work.


So, while it is absolutely fine to tighten supply by purchasing some BSV, and putting it into a Cold Wallet and using it as a long term “Savings, Childrens College Fund, or Gifts To Grandkids” accounts….. it is highly encouraged that if you want to see the value of those accounts go up and STAY up, then also begin to USE your BSV. 


Perhaps the best example of BSV USAGE is found in our site page, “Mom-to-Mom Money“. 


None of this is financial advice, nor a promise or suggestion that the value of the BSV you purchase will go up.  The only statement of assumption that this Campaign does openly and boldy make, is that the USE of Bitcoin SV is most likely going to explode in every aspect of our lives and businesses in the coming years.