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U.S. Dollar vs. Digital Gold (BSV)

The U.S. Dollar is the worlds Reserve Currency (“RC”).  Reserve Currencies throught history, rise, fall and are replaced.  Anybody paying attention, and the big money, is aware that we are in a reserve currency replacement cycle.  These things can get messy. RCs often get dethroned through their use as Debt Instruments…. i.e. Debt is denominated in that specific currency.  When the debt gets unsustainable… the old RC is displaced by a new RC, that doesn’t have the debt baggage.


Physical Gold is historically the “Go-To Store of Value” during an RC replacement cycle.  During the “Great Recession” of 2008, many people began to predict that the collapse of the current system (the U.S. Dollar as the RC).  The Central Banks surprised by pulling out some new tricks, and things kept going.  Throughout the entire cycle…. gold has gone up, down, but for the most part sideways.  It really isn’t acting like it historically has – as the “Go-To Store of Value.”


In the meantime, Cryptocurrency has skyrocketed (the overall market hitting about a 10,000x increase), and much of the hype around it has specifically been that it is the new Digital Gold.  To put this bluntly… the Tribe has Spoken!  People are choosing Digital Gold far more than physical Gold.  Not saying Gold and Silver won’t benefit as this RC replacement cycle plays out…. am saying that certain digital assets will do much better.


Bitcoin Sv (BSV) is the strongest, most technologically capable Blockchain there is.  It is capable of the most transactions, the largest data storage, is smart contract enabled, holds most of the Patents, and is backed by the actual creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto.  It is most likely that due to BSVs superior technical capabilities, that BSV will be the “Go-To Digital Gold Of Choice” during this current cycle.


The previous endgame in these cycles was that after the financial turmoil settled, and a new replacement Reserve Currency emerged, people would then transition their physical gold holdings into the new RC, retaining their previous value, or likely more.


The interesting thing about Bitcoin Sv is that not only is it capable of being the “Go-To Digital Gold Of Choice” during this transition…. it also has all the attributes necessary to actually become the new Global Reserve Currency.  We’ll see.  Might be a good time to learn how to get some BSV.


PS… there is One Digital Currency, that while “marketed” as being the “Chosen One”, has very little technological capability of actually achieving either of these goals.  See BTC vs BSV.